As a long time funding option, Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs AKA Individual Retirement Arrangements) evolved in recent years to become more practical. Here are a few key things to know when exploring your Traditional IRA strategy:
- While IRA annual contribution limits stayed stationary at $2,000 for decades, the powers that be wised up! Around a decade ago, they started basing routine contribution limits on inflation. Current 2019 contribution limits are $6,000/tax year and $7,000/tax year for individuals 50 and over.
- Traditional IRAs, while intended for retirement, may also be withdrawn for a dependent’s college education (always consult a qualified tax professional to review your situation).
- Lastly, many people think of Bank IRAs invested in Certificates of Deposit (CDs). The reality is that the term “IRA” merely notates a tax qualified status and not a specific investment type. So, choose any number of investment vehicles within an IRA!
Consult a qualified tax professional or financial advisor to see if a Traditional IRA is right for you.
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