economic news


Leading Indicator Watch | December 27, 2019

Before I publish Market Thoughts this week, here are some economic indicators that caught my eye.  Click here to view my insights on the latest economic activity and what...

Leading Indicator Watch


Leading Indicator Watch | December 20, 2019

Follow the trends that changed last week in the US markets. Click here to access our weekly Leading Indicator Watch.


Leading Indicator Watch | December 16, 2019

Follow the trends that changed last week in the US markets. Click here to access our weekly Leading Indicator Watch.

Unemployment and Consumer Confidence


Leading Indicator Watch | Dec. 6, 2019

Markets were turbulent last week. What indicators moved through all the swings? Find out here, in our Leading Indicator Watch.



Leading Indicator Watch | Nov. 29, 2019

Markets rose to fresh highs last week. Did indicators support the move? See our Leading Indicator Watch here.

Manufacturing and Services


Leading Indicator Watch | Nov. 22, 2019

Follow the trends that changed last week in the US markets. Click here to access our weekly Leading Indicator Watch.



Leading Indicator Watch | Nov. 15 2019

Last week was light with regards to economic data, but see what shifted here.

Retail Consumer Sentiment


Leading Indicator Watch | Nov. 8, 2019

Much of the data last week supported the strength in the market. Review our Leading Indicator Watch here.

Manufacturing and Services


Leading Indicator Watch | Nov. 1, 2019

Unemployment results impressed on Friday, bring markets to fresh highs. Read more in our weekly Leading Indicator Watch.

economic activity


Leading Indicator Watch | Oct. 25, 2019

Strong indicators last week led to strong market performance. Take a look at the data that supported market performance here.