

Leading Indicator Watch | January 4, 2019

I’d like to start the year off with healthy indicators, so as of Jan. 4, 2019, the S&P 500 rose last week by 46.2 points to end at 2,531.94...

New Year


Leading Indicator Watch | December 28, 2019

2018 draws to a close and I’m attaching our last leading indicator watch blog for the year!  While many indicators are still showing expansion, the S&P 500 is down...

Building Permits and Housing Starts


Leading Indicator Watch | December 21, 2018

Watching the news this week, it would be difficult not to focus on the volatile Markets.  I’m looking to the market indicators for something positive to share this week. ...

Bear Market?


Leading Indicator Watch | December 14, 2018

Words we are tired of at the office:  Tariff and volatility.  Before I publish my weekly blog, Market Thoughts, let’s look at the leading indicators to wrap up the...

Manufacturing and Services


Leading Indicator Watch | December 7, 2018

When discussing the markets lately, one word >volatility< has entered every conversation.  In spite of market volatility, there are still some positives coming out in the form of market...


Leading Indicator Watch | November 30, 2018

  Market volatility continues to be the lead story in the Markets while Consumer Confidence continues to decline.  My blog, Market Thoughts, this week will focus on the yield...

Leading Indicator Watch


Leading Indicator Watch | November 23, 2018

Stories in three key market indicators this week, show signs of skiddish investors and consumers at a vital time of year for consumption.  Click here to view my latest...

Leading Indicator Watch


Leading Indicator Watch | November 16, 2018

Inspite of initial unemployment claims rising to 216K from 214K and the S&P 500 falling over 44 points, little changed for our leading market indicators last week.  To see...



Leading Indicator Watch | November 9, 2018

You will see only slight movements in most catagories of the leading indicator watch for the week ending November 9, 2018 with the exception of the M2 Money Supply. ...


Leading Indicator Watch | October 5, 2018

Ahead of Market Thoughts this week,  here are the leading economic indicators that I’d like to call to your attention.  Click here to view my notes on the weekly economic...