
Passing the Torch | Market Thoughts | May 5, 2017

For years, the US has lead the charge in this economic expansion, albeit a meager charge. Is there reason to think that we may be passing the torch to...


All Talk, No Action | April 28, 2017

[1] Everyone seems bullish on our economy when you look at confidence and sentiment data. This would typically be a great indication of forward looking consumption, but what does...


Volatility Shift | April 21, 2017

Over the last few weeks we have seen volatility increase, but not all of it has been bad. There was a period of 109 days where the market did...


The Hope Trade | April 14, 2017

Over the last two quarters the S&P 500 has grown by 8.23%. Call it what you will, the Trump Bump, or the reflation trade… I ‘m going to call...


Pretty Lights | March 31, 2017

Just a week ago it appeared the sky was falling on the reflation trade. As if completely forgetting what happened, the market has since firmed, the dollar has strengthened,...


Bump or Dump | Market Thoughts | Financial Future Services

The “Trump Bump” had its first weekly market decline last week. Were the markets dumping the stocks that have made the Trump trade so strong the last 6 months?...


The Devil in the Details

Much as expected the Federal Reserve Board (FRB) raised rates last week. So, why did the markets rally and longer term rates fall on the news? Naturally, you would...


The Party is Over!

Markets have blown through all time highs. Economic activity is running strong. Real Estate is on a seemingly unstoppable growth trajectory. So, how can the party end??? The markets...


Reflation Tailwind

The “reflation” trade has dominated headlines as of late. Headlines, however, do not create profits. Is there substance to the economic tailwind currently in place? US Data ISM Manufacturing...


Breaking Records!

Records are meant to be broken and last week the Dow Jones matched a record not seen since 1992. Could this positive run spell the end of the current...