
Beginning of The End?

Last week was laced with Federal Reserve comments that were hawkish and economic data that would lead one to believe that a rate hike should not be eminent. Oh,...


Rate Watch: Day 261

On December 16th, 2015 The Federal Reserve Board (FRB) raised rates for the first time since 2006. They also said they were going to raise rates 4 times in...


Jackson Hole

Last week was dictated by Jackson Hole. Low volume through-out the week persisted in anticipation of Janet Yellen speaking on Friday. Many hoped that the Federal Reserve Board (FRB)...


Fed Up!

The market lost a negligible amount of ground last week. Federal Reserve posturing along with firming oil prices led the market headlines for the week. There was an interplay...


The Rally Continues

Now 7 weeks’ old, this rally is showing its age. Can it continue to deliver weekly gains? Two weeks ago markets were mediocre until Friday’s jobs report offered enough...


Jobs Deliver…

All week it seemed as though markets were waiting for something to happen. As if a big calamity or massive earnings were going to unfold… Nope, just jobs… The...


FRB Slow Play…

[1] The Federal Reserve Board (FRB) met and did nothing as expected. Their phrasing increased the likelihood of a rate increase in September, so what now for markets? Nothing…...


Rally, Week 4!

The post Brexit market rally continued this last week even in the face of a failed Turkish coup that has now resulted in a state of emergency. US Data...


European Recession?

 US markets advanced last week while the European outlook has continued to deteriorate.   Jobs Report The June jobs report was much stronger than expected. The May report which...


What Brexit???

A week ago the sky was falling as England left the European Union (EU), markets bled out 3.6%, the ¥ fell below 100. It is amazing how much changes...