
Help Wanted

Last week was a strong week of performance on the market. The week was capped off on Friday with strong jobs data. Employment Situation Much of the week was...


Highs and Woes

The S&P 500 (Large-Caps), S&P 400 (Mid-Caps), and Russell 2000 (Small-Caps) all set new highs last week, but the path forward is still littered with woes… Highs Oil has...


Wally World Under Fire

Being as large as Wal-Mart is, they are always under fire; however the most recent barrage is coming over a surprising topic. Wally World Recently Wal-Mart announced plans to...


Greece the Gears

Recent weeks have harkened back 4 years to times of uncertainty regarding the future of the Euro. Greece threatening to leave the EU had created undue volatility in the...


Unemployment Uppercut

All week seemed like a build up towards the final unemployment data for February… It hit the market like an uppercut on Friday… Unemployment Summary The unemployment data was...


Sharing the Money Tree…

Money does not grow on trees!!! Or does it in this current economy? Stimulus, A.K.A. tree money made its debut in Europe last week. Back Story Truly the rest...


The Dove Strikes Again!

No matter what Janet Yellen decides to do regarding interest rates she will be second guessed. The true measure of success will be when the Federal Reserve Board (FRB)...


Data Contradicts Market

The market moved in the opposite direction of economic data last week; as has been the trend over the last several years. Housing data disappointed, as existing home sales...


April Fools?

For months now the US has been strengthening as Japan, Europe, and China struggle. Data last week showed a reversal of that trend. Will it be short lived or...


Expectations vs Reality

Someone once told me, “Perception is reality”. Well the markets perception of first quarter activity does not look promising… Over the last quarter we have dealt with harsh winter...