We pray this finds you and yours healthy! That being said, we absolutely understand any and all concerns people are having regarding COVID-19.
With Colorado announcing a state of emergency, we have decided that it would be in everyone’s best interest to make adjustments in the interim to ‘business as usual’.
We will still be conducting quarterly reviews, reviewing/trading, taking your calls, and processing your transactions. The change is that if you would like your appointment to be conducted as a conference call/video conference vs face to face, we totally understand. As we reach out to schedule your appointment, we will be offering up this option going forward. If you currently have a scheduled appointment and would like to adjust it to a conference call/video conference, just reply to this email.
We have business continuity plans in place to make sure this situation does not disrupt our ability to serve you and we will keep you aware as things evolve. Thank you for your continued confidence in our company. We appreciate all of you and we can’t wait to see you (even if it’s on a video call)!
~ Your Financial Future… Our Services… Together! ~