
Leading Indicator Watch | August 19, 2022

Highlights from the August 19, 2022 Leading Indicator Watch: Three primary indicators reported for housing – Building Permits, Housing Starts, and Existing Home sales — fell -1.3%, -9.6% and...


Leading Indicator Watch | June 17, 2022

Highlights from the June 17th Leading Indicator Watch: Retail Sales (MoM)(May) fell -.3%, confirming inflation’s impact on discretionary spending (includes auto purchases). Core Retail rose .5% but was below expectations....


Leading Indicator Watch | February 25, 2022

Highlights from the February 25th Leading Indicator Watch: The money supply, including time deposits, rose by $202B to $21.840T (Jan). Money supply is currently running 91% of current GDP....


Leading Indicator Watch | February 18, 2022

Highlights from the February 18th Leading Indicator Watch: Retail sales (YoY)(Jan) rose 3.8% which came in well above forecasts of 2%. This is the highest figure since April 2021....


Leading Indicator Watch | December 17, 2021

Highlights from the December 17th Leading Indicator Watch: Housing starts jumped by 11.8% (MoM)(Nov) for the first positive week in 3 months and building permits rose by 3.6% (MoM)(Nov)....


Leading Indicator Watch | November 19, 2021

Highlights from the November 19th Leading Indicator Watch: Retail sales rose more than expected, 1.7% (Oct). The Capacity Utilization rate extended to 76.4% (Oct). Be sure to check out...


Markets Diverge | June 19, 2020

Concerns have been increasing, as have the markets. When will this new correlation diverge? Monday Markets opened with a bang as they were off 2% at the open! Concern...


Shifting Gears | May 15, 2020

Markets were like a shell game last week. While shifting gears, did Markets give us any queues about what is next? Monday Markets climbed on Monday despite starting the...


Leading Indicator Watch | January 17, 2020

Before I publish Market Thought, let’s take a look at the leading indicators for last week. Please click here to see my notes and stay tuned for my weekly...



Leading Indicator Watch | Nov. 15 2019

Last week was light with regards to economic data, but see what shifted here.