

Nothing but Bears | December 14, 2018

The Bears have dominated for the first time since 2011! And no, I’m not talking about the ones in Chicago! Europe Concerns in Europe were wide spread last week....



Debbie Downer | December 7, 2018

There is always one at the party that talks about their foot fungus and starts a wave of negativity… Debbie Downer visited the Bull Market Party last week! Optimism...

yield curve


Ole Reliable | November 30, 2018

Historically, an inverted yield curve has been a reliable indicator of a recession. Is there a reason it may not be as accurate this economic expansion cycle? Ole Reliable...

Geopolitical outcomes


Geopolitical Outcomes | November 23, 2018

Geopolitical risks always persist, but currently, they are directly impacting economic viability. What are the likely outcomes? G-20 While the focus should be on the G-20, the US and...

Brexit, not so fast


Brexit Turmoil | November 16, 2018 | Market Thoughts

After a year and a half of worrying about Brexit, a deal has been reached. Turmoil around the EU is not decreasing… Brexit While a deal has been reached,...

Nothing to See


Missing Something | November 9, 2018

Markets expanded last week, mostly post elections. Still, are we missing something… a threat that lurks beneath and could put a stop to this expansion? Washington Monday through Wednesday...

Bloody October


Bloody October | November 2, 2018

Markets clawed back some of their losses from a bloody October. Trade and earnings had much to do with markets recapturing their footing. Trade At the open of the...


Trading Foes | October 5, 2018

Markets gave back all their gains on Thursday and Friday. Much of it was related to trading foes, was there just cause for the reversal? The Good The USMCA...


Neutral | September 28, 2018

Last week, the Federal Reserve Board (FRB) increased the short-term rate by .25% making FRB policy technically neutral for the first time since 2008! Accommodative Since the financial crisis,...


Low, Low, Low | September 21, 2018

Congratulations US economy, chugging along at new market highs! These highs came on the back of low tariffs, low new unemployment claims, and low dollar. Low Tarrifs New tariffs...