
Brexit Toll

Markets anticipated the British referendum to result in a ‘stay’ vote and were caught off guard; causing a strong sell off Friday. What does it mean for the long-term?...


Head for the Brexit

The week saw a wild ride landing about 1% lower than the week before. Most of the turbulence came from England’s impending referendum on Brexit… For most of the...


Jobs Report Hangover

Typically, a hangover is a bad thing, but given the soft Jobs report from a week ago this hangover has been a win-fall for markets! US Data Federal Reserve...


Best Laid Plans

The Federal Reserve Open Market Committee (FOMC) has been working hard for 2 weeks to make sure the markets expect a June rate hike. That may have all come...


Selling The Fed

Strong US Real Estate Data was one of several pieces supporting market advances last week. So much so, that hawkish Federal Reserve committee comments didn’t dampen demand. US Data...


Fear The Fed

Market data was great this last week, with strong housing data, improved industrial production, and softening core inflation data. By the way, the Federal Reserve decided to screw everything...


Unlucky Friday

Friday the 13th… often marred by the stigma of being an unlucky day. Holding to form, this past Friday markets shed 1%. The question should be, was the down-turn...


Week Two

After 10 weeks of steady gains, the market has now rattled off two straight weeks of losses. Are the bears coming back or is a prelude to a bull...



[1] Disco music, bell bottom pants, and low unemployment… Who does not love 1973??? So what is the deal with 1973? It was the last time initial unemployment claims...


Rope A Dope???

Markets rebounded last week as the global economy showed unexpected strength. Did investors just get ‘rope a doped’ or is this going to be short lived? US Data Weekly...