
The Albatross

Positive employment data rallied markets back from the cliff last Friday, in what seems to be a reoccurring theme; a reversal in trend mid-week changing sentiment by week’s end....


Rates, Rates, Rates…

Low for long has been the mantra for the last 5 years… Some make the case that “long” has already come and gone and others have been saying “long”...


Timing Is Everything!

No, not market timing! I feel bad for the Federal Reserve Board (FRB) chair, Janet Yellen… There is seemingly no way to get this right… Last week the April...


7 Contributions to Market Activity

Market activity last week may have left many scratching their collective heads.  Housing markets, indications of consumer activity, and core durable goods all advanced; yet the S&P 500 retreated...


3 Reasons the Fed will ignore the IMF

The chair of the IMF called for the Federal Reserve Board (FRB) to wait until 1st quarter 2016 to raise rates; citing economic instability across the globe as a...


Foreign Issues Hit Home

Heavy gains on Wednesday led to weekly gains for the week. What drove the hefty gains on Wednesday and is it sustainable??? International Greece… There were speculations on Wednesday...


Hurry Up and Wait

The Federal Reserve Board (FRB) announced last week, to much anticipation, that they were going to do nothing… yet. Domestic So now we are left to wait for the...


Greece Steals the Show

As the world seems to lose its collective minds over Greece, economic conditions in Europe and the US seem to improve… But who cares when you have Greece! US...


Holidays Galore!

So there were a ton of holidays last week, Independence Day, Canada Day, and of course there was the Greek 4 day Bank Holiday, yes, they called it a...


One More Time to the Wall

Hopefully this is the last time for a long time we talk about Greece. With a 3 year bailout deal pending, 2018 should be the next Greek commentary… Clearly...