
Leading Indicator Watch | May 27, 2022

Highlights from the May 27th Leading Indicator Watch: Personal spending remained steady even with cost pressures, rising .9% for the month of April. Be sure to check out more...


Leading Indicator Watch | April 29, 2022

Highlights from the April 29th Leading Indicator Watch: Michigan Consumer Sentiment (April) rose to 65.2 from 59.4 (Mar) following poor inflation figures. Personal Spending rose 1.1% during this time....


Leading Indicator Watch | March 25, 2022

Highlights from the March 25th Leading Indicator Watch: Initial jobless claims fell to 187k, the lowest figure in over 52 years. Continuing claims continued its downward trend, falling to...


Leading Indicator Watch | February 25, 2022

Highlights from the February 25th Leading Indicator Watch: The money supply, including time deposits, rose by $202B to $21.840T (Jan). Money supply is currently running 91% of current GDP....


Leading Indicator Watch | January 28, 2022

Highlights from the January 28th Leading Indicator Watch: Preliminary figures for Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (QoQ)(Q4) rose by 6.9% which tripled the increase in Q3. Be sure to check...


Leading Indicator Watch | December 31, 2021

Highlights from the December 31st Leading Indicator Watch: Initial jobless claims fell lower to 198k and continuing jobless claims decreased to 1,716k from 1,856k; a welcome sign to finish...


Leading Indicator Watch | November 26, 2021

Highlights from the November 26th Leading Indicator Watch: The S&P 500 fell 103.34 points for the week, ending at 4,594.62 and is up 22.33% YTD. The VIX (CBOE Volatility...


Leading Indicator Watch | October 29, 2021

Highlights from the October 29th Leading Indicator Watch: The money supply, including time deposits, rose by $185B to $20.982T (Sept). Money supply is currently running 90.55% of current GDP....


Leading Indicator Watch | June 12, 2020

Volatility is on the rise in the markets this week. I’ll break it all down in Market Thoughts! For now, let’s look at the Leading Indicators to get an...


Leading Indicator Watch | December 16, 2019

Follow the trends that changed last week in the US markets. Click here to access our weekly Leading Indicator Watch.