Monument, CO 80132
719-357-7189 | www.ffsinv.com
~Your Financial Future… Our Services… Together!~
Hi, Everyone! As many of you know through your reviews this year, we have overcome a large hurdle in our office and are still managing to grow our company! We thought it might be a good time to announce our current corporate structure. Thank you for working with us; we enjoy helping your family!
Jay Roque wears many hats at our office! He is your Investment Adviser Representative, Chief Compliance Officer for Financial Action, Inc., and owner of Financial Future Services, LLC. He became a CFP® (Certified Financial Planner™) in 2016, an APMA® (Accredited Portfolio Management Advisor℠) in 2019, an AWMA® (Accredited Wealth Management Advisor℠) just this year, and is currently working on his Master’s Degree in Financial Planning. Planning for your future and asset management are the cornerstones of his practice to help you meet your financial goals.
Meredeth Iversen is a Breast Cancer Survivor!!! She will be officially returning to our office next week! Her upbeat attitude and snarky sense of humor have been sorely missed. We are so happy to have her back! She will be accepting a new role as our Client Operations Specialist. It will be her charge to open accounts and create forms for your family as well as update your financial plan data annually so that your time with Jay can be as detailed and goal based as you prefer. Her email address is miversen@ffsinv.com and she may be reached most weekdays between 9AM and 4PM or by appointment. Welcome back!
Stefanie Gatti joined our company in August and slipped seamlessly into our Administrative Assistant role. She is our scheduling captain, creates your reports for reviews with Jay, and manages the day to day operations to keep our staff on task! You may connect with her at admin@ffsinv.com and she is usually in the office on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays between 9AM and 3PM. We are so glad to have her on our team!
Finally, Zach Gatti of Harvest Insurance, partners with us in the office! As an insurance broker, he has the ability to shop and compare several different carriers for all your home, auto, life, disability, and small business insurance needs. He strives to help you protect what you’ve worked so hard to build. We are happy to pick his brain with you to help you select the correct coverage for your family.
Thank you again for working with us while we were growing and healing our work family this year! Thank you for scheduling your reviews and financial planning sessions with Stefanie and welcoming Meredeth back to the office. Thank you for meeting with Jay and Zach and allowing them the time to work with your family and referred friends. You mean everything to us!