Brexit, not so fast


Brexit Turmoil | November 16, 2018 | Market Thoughts

After a year and a half of worrying about Brexit, a deal has been reached. Turmoil around the EU is not decreasing… Brexit While a deal has been reached,...

Leading Indicator Watch


Leading Indicator Watch | November 16, 2018

Inspite of initial unemployment claims rising to 216K from 214K and the S&P 500 falling over 44 points, little changed for our leading market indicators last week.  To see...

Nothing to See


Missing Something | November 9, 2018

Markets expanded last week, mostly post elections. Still, are we missing something… a threat that lurks beneath and could put a stop to this expansion? Washington Monday through Wednesday...



Leading Indicator Watch | November 9, 2018

You will see only slight movements in most catagories of the leading indicator watch for the week ending November 9, 2018 with the exception of the M2 Money Supply. ...


The Life Insurance Hack

Frequently, we misuse life insurance. Many people, for example, will look at it as a way to save for retirement. While it is true that life insurance can provide...

Bloody October


Bloody October | November 2, 2018

Markets clawed back some of their losses from a bloody October. Trade and earnings had much to do with markets recapturing their footing. Trade At the open of the...


Trading Foes | October 5, 2018

Markets gave back all their gains on Thursday and Friday. Much of it was related to trading foes, was there just cause for the reversal? The Good The USMCA...


Leading Indicator Watch | October 5, 2018

Ahead of Market Thoughts this week,  here are the leading economic indicators that I’d like to call to your attention.  Click here to view my notes on the weekly economic...


Neutral | September 28, 2018

Last week, the Federal Reserve Board (FRB) increased the short-term rate by .25% making FRB policy technically neutral for the first time since 2008! Accommodative Since the financial crisis,...

Indicator watch


Leading Indicator Watch | September 28, 2018

As I write Market Thoughts today,  here are the economic indicators that caught my eye.  Click here to view the latest insights on economic activity and how they are...