
Leading Indicator Watch | June 26, 2020

A weekly update of #stockmarket and #domestic economic activity. We’ll get lost in the weeds in Market Thoughts tomorrow, but for now, here are some economic indicators that caught...


Soar to Heights | May 22, 2020

Markets soared last week. What pushed them to heights last eclipsed in October? Monday Markets soared on Monday as two events from over the weekend thrusted the week into...


Leading Indicator Watch | May 22, 2020

Housing and Unemployment indicators continue to show economic challenges month to month while Services PMI and Consumer Confidence are on the rise. Click here for the week in review...

Unemployment and Consumer Confidence


Leading Indicator Watch | January 24, 2020

Before I publish Market Thought, let’s take a look at the leading indicators for last week. Please click here to see my notes and stay tuned for my weekly...


Leading Indicator Watch | January 17, 2020

Before I publish Market Thought, let’s take a look at the leading indicators for last week. Please click here to see my notes and stay tuned for my weekly...



Leading Indicator Watch | Nov. 29, 2019

Markets rose to fresh highs last week. Did indicators support the move? See our Leading Indicator Watch here.



Leading Indicator Watch | Oct. 18, 2019

Our leading indicators this week show retail sales slumped in September and the yield curve expanded.  What other indicator shifted last week?  Please click here to read my notes.


Housing vs Economy

Markets surged to all-time highs this past Friday. A surge that could be short lived… Economic data across much the week supported market performance. This also continued to firm...