
Leading Indicator Watch | April 22, 2022

Highlights from the April 22nd Leading Indicator Watch: Housing starts rose .3% (Mar) compared to 6.5% (Feb). Building permits rose .4% from -1.6% (same period). 30 year mortgage rates...


Near-Term High? | April 15, 2022

Market volatility remained high this last week. What asset classes can we look to for growth in the near-term? Monday   S&P 500 1.69% | NASDAQ 2.18% Markets opened in...


The Neutral Economy | April 8, 2022

The Federal Reserve is trying to put the economy into ‘neutral’. What does it all mean for growth? Monday   S&P 500 0.81% | NASDAQ 1.90% Ukraine regained territory in...


Leading Indicator Watch | April 8, 2022

Highlights from the April 8th Leading Indicator Watch: The S&P 500 fell 57.58 points for the week, ending at 4,488.28 and is down 5.83% YTD. The VIX (CBOE Volatility...


Is the Party Over? | April 1, 2022

Markets flashed a recession signal last week. Is the party over or do we still have room to grow? Monday   S&P 500 0.71% | NASDAQ 1.31% The markets started...


Leading Indicator Watch | April 1, 2022

Highlights from the April 1st Leading Indicator Watch: The unemployment rate dropped lower to 3.6% as initial job claims remained at historic lows, rising by 202k. JOLTS Job Openings...


Rough Start | March 25, 2022

Markets have now gained for two weeks after a rough start to the year. Should the growth continue? Monday   S&P 500 0.04% | NASDAQ 0.40% Markets started on...


Leading Indicator Watch | March 25, 2022

Highlights from the March 25th Leading Indicator Watch: Initial jobless claims fell to 187k, the lowest figure in over 52 years. Continuing claims continued its downward trend, falling to...


Leading Indicator Watch | March 18, 2022

Highlights from the March 18th Leading Indicator Watch: The S&P 500 rose 258.81 points for the week, ending at 4,463.12 and is down 6.36% YTD. The VIX (CBOE Volatility...


Volatility Reversal | March 18, 2022

Last week, there was a reversal of course for volatility. This led the NASDAQ 8% higher. Is there volatility risk ahead? Monday                            S&P 500 0.74% | NASDAQ 2.04%...