
Leading Indicator Watch | September 4, 2020

Manufacturing and Unemployment posted some small victories last week in our leading indicator watch. The S&P500, VIX, and yield curve data showed some challenges. I’ll dive in deeper in...


Too Soon For Champagne? | August 28, 2020

Markets are sipping champagne for their victory over the recent recession. Did they pop the cork a bit too soon? Monday The week began with markets on the rise....


Leading Indicator Watch | August 28, 2020

Consumer Confidence slipped last week in our leading indicator watch, Unemployment rose to over 1 million again, and Core Durable Goods Orders fell to 2.4%. Good news hit the...


Tap the Housing Market | August 21, 2020

Markets extended the rally last week on strong housing data. What’s on tap for this week? Monday Technology stocks led on Monday as the week got underway. Home builder...



Leading Indicator Watch | August 21, 2020

Our leading indicator watch last week showed positive, forward momentum in Building Permits, Housing Starts, and Existing Home Sales for July while Unemployment week to week continues a volatile...


Positive Move | August 14, 2020

Markets moved into positive territory last week. Are the valuations founded? Monday Markets ended mixed on Monday. Leadership shifted to cyclical asset classes such as consumer discretionary and energy....


Leading Indicator Watch | August 14, 2020

As I write Market Thoughts this week, here are the economic indicators that caught my attention. Click here to view the latest insights on economic activity and how they...


Exhausting All Options| August 7, 2020

The government is exhausting all options in the fight over stimulus. Did this turmoil help or hurt markets? Monday Markets rose to open the week largely on hopes that...


Leading Indicator Watch | August 7, 2020

As the Unemployment Rate slowly inches its way down, the ISM Manufacturing PMI, Services PMI, and ISM Non-Manufacturing PMI are ticking into expansion territory. I’ll get into the government...


Leadership Edge | July 31, 2020

Leadership remained with the NASDAQ as markets climbed. The S&P struggled in comparison, what gave NASDAQ the edge? Monday Markets started on the rise. Optimism once again high as...