Bear Market?


Leading Indicator Watch | April 24, 2020

Ahead of Market Thoughts, let’s take a sneak peek at the leading indicators! Click here to see my notes and stay tuned for Market Thoughts. ~ Your Financial Future…...


Strength and Weakness | April 17, 2020

Strength and weakness were plentiful last week. Somehow though, the markets found room to move up.


Leading Indicator Watch | April 17, 2020

As I write Market Thoughts this week, here are some economic indicators that caught my attention. Click here to view the latest insights on economic activity and stay...


Sustainable Rally? | April 9, 2020

The global rally continued last week. Is it sustainable and are we out of the bear market?


Leading Indicator Watch | April 9, 2020

With the markets closed on Friday, we have a short week of reporting for our leading indicators. That said, the S&P 500 left a gain for the week, the...


Corona Saga | April 3, 2020

New Hope After three phases of stimulus amounting to nearly $2.3T, there is hope of yet another stimulus package. Yes, that was a T! The phase four deal, to...


Leading Indicator Watch | April 3, 2020

Unemployment topped our leading indicator watch for the second week in a row as initial jobless claims set a record high and the U6 Unemployment Rate for March is...


Bear Volatility | March 27, 2020

Markets roared back last week from the lows of the current bear market. Is the surge just further volatility or a sign of the end of the route?


Leading Indicator Watch | March 27, 2020

Initial Jobless Claims tops our news for the Leading Indicator Watch last week amid the country’s COVID-19 quarantine: 3,283k claims came in, up from 282k the week before. Please...


A New Season | March 20, 2020

As the calendar shifts to a new season, markets looked much the way they did a week ago. Could spring bring hope?