Brexit, not so fast


Brexit, Not so Fast | March 15, 2019

You lost me at Brexit… It is the political (and economic) event that just will not go away fast.  So last week was no exception as 2 major votes...

Retail Consumer Sentiment


Leading Indicator Watch | March 15, 2019

Consumer Goods and Materials as well as Consumer Sentiment are showing positive gains last week in our weekly review of Leading Indicators.  Retail sales rose in response to a...



Self-Fulfilling Prophecy | March 8, 2019

Last week markets retreated. Data was strong in some regards, but adjusted projections brought about a self-fulfilling prophecy.  Bond Buying  First, the European Central Bank (ECB) introduced a new bond buying...

Money Supply and Consumer Sentiment


Leading Indicator Watch | March 8, 2019

As I write Market Thoughts this week, here are some economic indicators that caught my eye.  Click here to download the latest insights on economic activity and how they...



Devil in the Details | March 1, 2019

Bonds have been in a 35-year bull market. This is nothing new, however, the shift in investor behavior during this expansion is. The devil is in the details. As...



Leading Indicator Watch | March 1, 2019

Housing reports lead the leading indicator story for last week with building permits little changed at 0.3%, housing starts fell 11.2% while home prices roses 5.6% (year over year)...

Old World, Old Problems


Old World, Old Problems | February 22, 2019

Last week was marked by old problems out of the ‘Old World’.  Europe managed to continue to be a distraction and introduced uncertainty into an otherwise positive week. Brexit...


Leading Indicator Watch | February 22, 2019

Before I publish Market Thoughts this week, let’s take a look at the leading indicators!  Good news coming out of Manufacturing & Services, Unemployment, the S&P 500, and the...



UNDERSTANDING MARKET VOLATILITY In life, what you focus on can make all the difference. Come join us for a 1 hour meeting and discussion on understanding market volatility and...


Life of the Party | February 15, 2019

Last week’s article was littered with Negative Nancy’s. This week, many of them have become the life of the party. At least for now… Government Shutdown A shutdown was...