
Sell in May & Go Away? | April 29, 2022

Markets retreated throughout April. Should we expect ‘Sell in May & Go Away’ or is there a reason for hope? Monday                            S&P 500 0.02% | NASDAQ 0.14% The...


Oil: The Inflation Maker | April 22, 2022

Oil fell and markets fell with them. Why did the inflation maker not have a positive impact on equities? Monday                            S&P 500 0.02% | NASDAQ 0.14% Market movement...


Near-Term High? | April 15, 2022

Market volatility remained high this last week. What asset classes can we look to for growth in the near-term? Monday   S&P 500 1.69% | NASDAQ 2.18% Markets opened in...


The Neutral Economy | April 8, 2022

The Federal Reserve is trying to put the economy into ‘neutral’. What does it all mean for growth? Monday   S&P 500 0.81% | NASDAQ 1.90% Ukraine regained territory in...


Is the Party Over? | April 1, 2022

Markets flashed a recession signal last week. Is the party over or do we still have room to grow? Monday   S&P 500 0.71% | NASDAQ 1.31% The markets started...


Rough Start | March 25, 2022

Markets have now gained for two weeks after a rough start to the year. Should the growth continue? Monday   S&P 500 0.04% | NASDAQ 0.40% Markets started on...


Volatility Reversal | March 18, 2022

Last week, there was a reversal of course for volatility. This led the NASDAQ 8% higher. Is there volatility risk ahead? Monday                            S&P 500 0.74% | NASDAQ 2.04%...


Fever Pitch | March 11, 2022

The Federal Reserve would like to hike at a fever pitch. What did last week tell us about their ability to do so? Monday                            S&P 500 2.95% |...


Running in Place | February 25, 2022

Markets moved a lot to go absolutely nowhere last week. Should we expect markets to continue to run in place? Monday Happy President’s Day! Tuesday S&P 500 lost 1.01%...


Will the Clouds Part? | February 18, 2022

It was a rough week for markets. Volatility is up, but will it be here to stay or are the clouds soon to part? Monday Markets dropped at the...