
Nothing to See Here… | December 31, 2021

Nothing to see here. Markets jumped out to open the week and then did a whole lot of nothing… Monday The Santa Claus rally got under way Monday morning....


Leading Indicator Watch | December 31, 2021

Highlights from the December 31st Leading Indicator Watch: Initial jobless claims fell lower to 198k and continuing jobless claims decreased to 1,716k from 1,856k; a welcome sign to finish...


Santa’s Coming | December 24, 2021

Is Santa’s rally coming, or will Omicron steal the show? Most importantly, what does it all mean for 2022? Monday The week opened in free fall as the Nasdaq...


Leading Indicator Watch | December 24, 2021

Highlights from the December 24th Leading Indicator Watch: Michigan Consumer Sentiment (December) rose to 70.6 from 67.4. Be sure to check out more of last week’s Leading Indicators here...


Santa’s Thunder | December 17, 2021

The S&P 500 shed 1.94% on the week as Omicron took center stage. Will Omicron steal Santa’s Thunder? Monday Markets opened the week in the red. This came as...


Leading Indicator Watch | December 17, 2021

Highlights from the December 17th Leading Indicator Watch: Housing starts jumped by 11.8% (MoM)(Nov) for the first positive week in 3 months and building permits rose by 3.6% (MoM)(Nov)....


Thank Santa! | December 10, 2021

The markets soared last week. Do we have Santa to thank for this year end gift? Monday The S&P 500 surged to open the week. Initial indications regarding Omicron...


Leading Indicator Watch | December 10, 2021

Highlights from the December 10th Leading Indicator Watch: The S&P 500 rose 173.59 points for the week, ending at 4,712.02 and is up 25.45% YTD. The VIX (CBOE Volatility...


The Charge Lower | December 3, 2021

Headlines included Omicron, Jobs, Manufacturing, and Services PMI. So, what led the charge lower and why? Monday The S&P 500 jumped to open the week, rising 1.32%. This was...


Leading Indicator Watch | December 3, 2021

Highlights from the December 3rd Leading Indicator Watch: Initial jobless claims totaled 222K while continuing jobless claims dropped again to 1,956K. The unemployment rate fell to 4.2%, the lowest...