
Indifferent Investors | September 27, 2019

AUTHOR: Jason J. Roque, CFP®, APMA® TITLE:       Investment Adviser Rep – CCO TAGS:       OIL, CENTRAL BANK, TRADE, BREXIT Markets were little changed last week. It appeared as if investors...



Headline Headwinds | September 20, 2019

AUTHOR: Jason J. Roque, CFP®, APMA® TITLE:       Investment Adviser Rep – CCO TAGS:       OIL, CENTRAL BANK, TRADE, BREXIT Markets lost on oil, trade, and dovish central banks. Data appeared...


Super Mario Strikes Again | September 13, 2019

AUTHOR: Jason J. Roque, CFP®, APMA® TITLE:       Investment Adviser Rep – CCO TAGS:       TRADE, STOCKS, EUROPE, BREXIT Super Mario strikes again, UK parliament regains control, and the US and...

Investment Management-photo of helm of boat on water Financial Future Services Monument Colorado


Fool’s Gold?

AUTHOR: Jason J. Roque, CFP®, APMA® TITLE:     Investment Adviser Rep – CCO TAGS:      TRADE, STOCKS, BREXIT, HONG KONG There were a myriad if impactors that contributed to an up...

Trade Synchrony?


Trade Synchrony? | August 30, 2019

AUTHOR: Jason J. Roque, CFP®, APMA® TITLE:     Investment Adviser Rep – CCO TAGS:      TRADE, STOCKS Developed economies grew in synchrony last week.  The unfortunate news is that it had...

at odds


Global Economy at Odds | August 23, 2019

AUTHOR: Jason J. Roque, CFP®, APMA® TITLE:     Investment Adviser Rep – CCO TAGS:      TRADE, STOCKS, GDP, INTEREST RATES   The global economy is currently at odds with itself. Last...


Classic Recession Signal

  AUTHOR: Jason J. Roque, CFP®, APMA® TITLE:      Investment Adviser Rep – CCO TAGS:       TRADE, FRB, INTEREST RATES   The yield curve inverted for the first time since ‘07....

Meredeth (and Gregg) assistant at Financial Future Services Monument Colorado


Cancer Sucks! | August 13, 2019

The markets moved dramatically, but that was a footnote in our office last week as… cancer sucks!  In lieu of our regular Market Thoughts, we have an office announcement....



Easy, but Not | August 2, 2019

AUTHOR: Jason J. Roque, CFP®, APMA® TITLE:      Investment Adviser Rep – CCO TAGS:       TRADE, FRB, INTEREST RATES The Federal Reserve Board (FRB) delivered on easy monetary policy, but not...

401(k) options


Renewed Hope? | July 26, 2019

AUTHOR: Jason J. Roque, CFP®, APMA® TITLE:      Investment Adviser Rep – CCO TAGS:       TRADE, FRB, INTEREST RATES Last week markets gained as concerns seemed to subside.  Was this renewed...